martedì 9 ottobre 2012


In the early 1980s, Spanish laws banned the importation
of rapeseed oil for human consumption to protect the
Spanish olive oil market. These laws required the
denaturation of imported rapeseed oil with aniline,
methylene blue, or castor oil as a means to make this
imported oil unfi t for human consumption. During late
1980 and early 1981, a substantial amount of aniline -
denatured rapeseed oil imported from France was
fraudulently diverted for human consumption through
Catalonia. These oils were diluted with other edible oils,
refi ned, and resold through a network of distributors
and itinerant salesmen. Although these oils contained
aniline, the toxic oil syndrome was apparently not associated
with the aniline.
During the fi rst quarter of 1981, an oil distributor
based in the center of Madrid named RAELCA entered
the illicit oil sales market with mixed aniline - denatured
rapeseed oil. In March 1981, RAELCA purchased fi ve
lots of aniline - denatured rapeseed oil from two French
food oil companies, and they shipped three lots to the
ITH oil refi nery in Seville. The other two lots went to
the Danesa Bau refi nery in Madrid. Although the denatured
oils were intended for industrial use, roadside
vendors sold the oils as “ olive oil ” to residents over a
2 - month period. Most of the cases of toxic oil syndrome
appeared in the period from May to August 1981.
Figure  displays the number of cases of toxic oil syndrome
diagnosed in 1981. Epidemiological studies concluded
that the ITH oil refi nery was the point source for
the epidemic. 
The exact causal agent in the contaminated oil involved
with toxic oil syndrome remains unknown, in part,
because of the many potential toxins in denatured
aniline compounds associated with this illness. In a study
of toxic oil syndrome - associated oils, fractionation of

the oils by high performance liquid with ultraviolet
detection (HPLC/UV) and analysis by high performance
liquid chromatography/atmospheric pressure
chemical ionization/ tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC/
APCI/MS/MS) demonstrated 115 aniline derivatives
from nine aniline - related families of chemicals. Toxic
oil syndrome is a unique combination of vasculitis,
thrombosis, and immunologic changes (e.g., T - lymphocyte
activation, cytokine release) that differs from the
toxicity previously associated with refi nery products,
additives, or contaminants.The full spectrum of toxic
oil syndrome has not been reproduced in experimental
animals. The two suspected groups of toxic compounds
are fatty acid anilides and amino - propanediol derivatives
(fatty acid mono - and di - esters). Analysis of contaminated
oil samples indicates that pentachlorophenol
and pentachloroanisole were not etiological agents of
toxic oil syndrome.
Food Processing
In contrast to other illicit rapeseed oil distributors,
RAELCA mixed the denatured rapeseed oil with other
oils after the refi ning process. All other illicit refi ners of
denatured rapeseed oil in Catalonia mixed the denatured
and edible oils before refi ning the adulterated oils.
The processing of the fraudulently diverted rapeseed oil
probably contributed to the formation of toxic compounds
in the oil. High temperatures during deodorization
catalyzed the reaction of 2% aniline with triglycerides
in the rapeseed oil associated with toxic oil syndrome. 
In experimental studies, the yield of 3 - ( N - phenylamino) -
1,2 - propanediol (PAP) esters in toxic oil syndrome is
highest at 250 – 300 ° C ( ∼ 480–570 ° F), similar to those
temperatures achieved during the deodorizing step of oil
refi ning.  These studies indicate that the heating of denatured
oil samples stored for 3 weeks yields higher concentrations
of potentially toxic PAP esters compared
with samples stored for 1 week. Distillations times did
not signifi cantly affect the formation of fatty acid anilide
compounds. The development of toxic oil syndrome following
the ingestion of denatured rapeseed oil stored for
about 1 year suggests that the toxic compounds in these
contaminated cooking oils are stable for at least 1 year. 
Dose response in toxic oil syndrome was evaluated by
a case control study known as the “ Toxi - Epi Study, ”
which followed sales and distribution chains of the
fraudulently distributed rapeseed oils using the chemical
markers, oleyl - anilide and di - oleyl - 3 - phenylamino -
1,2 - propanediol (OOPAP). The content of these
compounds varied several fold in different samples of
contaminated cooking oil. Cooking oil containers with
a characteristic shape purchased by residents were
traced back to the ITH oil refi nery in Seville in southern
Spain. Analytical studies showed a linear statistical correlation
between the concentration of the chemical
markers detected in the refi nery ’ s oil and the log of the
odds ratio for dose - response. 50 Rapeseed oil concentrations
of oleyl - anilide and OOPAP traced to this plant
were 1900 ppm and 150 ppm, respectively.
The fi rst cases of toxic oil syndrome were reported on
May 1, 1981 in central and northwestern Spain. Initial
epidemiological studies demonstrated clustering in incidence
and mortality for toxic oil syndrome in households
distributed along transportation routes throughout
the affected regions. In July 1981, Spanish health offi -
cials announced that a fraudulently distributed, industrial
oil sold as edible cooking oil was the etiology of
this illness, initially termed pneumonic paralytic eosinophilic
syndrome.The Spanish government subsequently
initiated a consumer exchange program for
olive oil, and they stockpiled the contaminated oil for
further study.In 1983, the World Health Organization
named the illness toxic oil syndrome. The offi cial
census originally consisted of records of patients with
clinically suspected toxic oil syndrome that did not necessarily
fulfi ll the case defi nition of the 1981 Spanish
Clinical Commission. A 1987 review of these records by
the World Health Organization Regional Offi ce for
Europe Scientifi c Committee for the Investigation of
the Toxic Oil Syndrome indicated that about 20,000
people were affected with over 10,000 hospitalizations. 
Although during the fi rst few years about 300 patients
died of toxic oil syndrome, the overall mortality of the
cohort with toxic oil syndrome was not elevated after
the fi rst year of the epidemic when compared with the
general Spanish population.
Toxic oil syndrome is a progressive multisystemic
disease with three distinct clinical phases (acute, intermediate,
chronic). The average latency period was about
4 to 7 days after the ingestion of the contaminated oil
with a maximum of about 10 days. 56 The basic underlying
pathological lesion is a nonnecrotizing vasculitis with
associated thrombotic events. Common initial symptoms
of toxic oil syndrome included fever, cough, dyspnea, and
chest pain. Other acute symptoms included urticarial
rash, pruritus, abdominal cramping, and headache. The
differential diagnosis for toxic oil syndrome includes
other autoimmune disorders such as eosinophilia -
myalgia syndrome, eosinophilic fasciitis, systemic sclerosis,
scleroderma, and systemic lupus erythematosus. 
Porphyria cutanea tarda did not occur in these patients.
Acute (Pulmonary)
The characteristic manifestation of the acute phase is the
development of noncardiogenic pulmonary edema with
dyspnea, alveolar - interstitial infi ltrates with or without
pleural effusions, peripheral eosinophilia, fever, and rash.
Most patients recovered from this early pneumonic
phase of the illness. Deaths during this phase occurred
from respiratory insuffi ciency initially from degeneration
of type I and type II pneumocytes and later from
thromboembolic complications.  During the acute phase
(i.e., fi rst 2 months), the primary lesion occurs in the
endothelium of multiple organs with the exception of the
central nervous system.  Severe myalgias and muscle
cramps occur at the end of the acute phase. 
Intermediate (Thrombotic)
About 60% of the patients with the acute phase progress
to the intermediate phase that involved the development
of sensory peripheral neuropathy along with
intense myalgias, dermal induration, and weight loss.
More serious complications during this phase began
about 2 months after the onset of illness, including pulmonary
hypertension and thromboembolism of large
vessels. In severe cases, histological examination demonstrated
proliferation of the intimal lining of the vessels
along with fi brosis and thrombosis.
Chronic (Neuromuscular)
Approximately 2 months after the onset of the intermediate
phase, the chronic phase of toxic oil syndrome
began, characterized by sclerodermiform changes, motor
neuropathy, musculoskeletal contractures, muscle
wasting, myalgias, muscle cramps, weight loss, limited
joint mobility, peripheral eosinophilia, hepatomegaly,
pulmonary hypertension, and Sj ö gren syndrome. 60 Some
patients developed this chronic phase without experiencing
the acute pneumonic phase.  The most common
persistent symptoms were cough and dyspnea with
about 20% of affected patients developing reduction in
the carbon monoxide diffusing capacity.Mortality in
the chronic phase was primarily due to infectious complications
of respiratory insuffi ciency secondary to neuromuscular
weakness, thromboembolism, or pulmonary
hypertension with cor pulmonale. A minority of toxic
oil syndrome patients developed severe pulmonary
arterial hypertension during exercise over 20 years after
exposure.Long - term follow - up studies of survivors
suggest reduction in the quality of life of these patients
with elevated rates of depression (odds ratio [OR] =
9.66), functional disabilities (OR = 4.74), and psychosocial
disabilities (OR = 2.82). 
Mortality was high during the fi rst year, with a signifi
cant decline in mortality rates in subsequent years.
Most of the decline in mortality was observed in elderly
populations; however, the mortality rate in women < 40
years of age increased as a result of complications from
pulmonary hypertension.Concurrent clustering of
incidence and mortality in toxic oil syndrome suggested
that a genetic predisposition determines the severity of
toxic oil syndrome. Linkage mapping of the human
genome revealed increased mortality in patients with a
chromosome 6 - associated risk factor for the HLA - DR2
phenotype.Studies in enzyme mechanics implicate a
role for impaired hepatic acetylation in mediating individual
susceptibilities to toxic oil syndrome. 
Analytical Methods
Analytical methods to identify and quantify OOPAP
and other PAPs in contaminated cooking oil samples
include high performance liquid chromatography/atmospheric
pressure ionization/tandem mass spectrometry
The analysis of contaminated oil was complicated by
poor identifi cation markers on cooking oil bottles during
the recall process. Two case control studies suggested a
dose - related association between the presence of three
fatty acid anilide compounds (oleyl, linoleyl, palmityl)
and the risk of developing toxic oil syndrome. Of
these fatty acid anilide compounds, oleyl anilide occurred
in the highest concentration. Subsequent analyses
suggested that 3 - ( N - phenylamino) - 1,2 - propanediol
(DEPAP), a by - product of the same reaction of aniline
with triglycerides, is an equally sensitive and a more
specifi c biomarker of toxic oil syndrome than fatty
anilide compounds. 71 Animal studies suggest that the
liver converts fatty acid mono - and diesters of 3 - ( N -
phenylamino)propane - 1,2 - diol to 3 - (4 ′ - hydroxyphenylamino)
- propane - 1,2 - diol, which generates the
electrophilic metabolite quinoneimine intermediate - 2
(QI - 2). However, the specifi c chemical causing toxic
oil syndrome has not been identifi ed.
Laboratory changes associated with toxic oil syndrome
include peripheral eosinophilia, hypertriglyceridemia,
and coagulation disorders in patients with liver involvement.
Analytical studies of toxic oil syndrome patients
demonstrate eosinophilia and a high concentration of
mRNA for T - helper - 2 cytokines, IL - 4 and IL - 5, in the
lungs. Antemortem sera from fatal cases of toxic oil
syndrome also contained elevated serum IL - 2R and
total IgE concentrations along with a high frequency of
HLA - DR2 on chromosome 6. The sinus and atrioventricular
nodes may exhibit dense fi brosis, hemorrhages,
or cystic degeneration similar to fi ndings in scleroderma
and systemic lupus erythematosus. Coronary arteries
may exhibit focal fi bromuscular dysplasia and cystic
myointimal degeneration with embolization. Histopathological
analyses show lymphocytic infl ammatory lesions
of coronary arteries and the cardiac conduction system,
similar to the fi ndings in eosinophilia - myalgia syndrome.
Cardiac lesions associated with eosinophilia - myalgia
syndrome, however, are distinguished by cytotoxic T -
cells directed against cardiac neural structures and sinus
nodal myocytes, whereas toxic oil syndrome cardiac
lesions are characterized by a prominence of B cells and
T - helper cells.
Chest x - ray demonstrates an interstitial - alveolar
pattern with progression to acute respiratory distress
syndrome (adult respiratory distress syndrome or
ARDS) in the acute phase of toxic oil syndrome. Eosinophilia
is a universal fi nding in toxic oil syndrome
patients. Hypoxemia, respiratory alkalosis, and an
increased alveolar - arterial oxygen gradient (A - a gradient)
as determined by arterial blood gases are common
in patients with severe toxic oil syndrome - induced noncardiogenic
pulmonary edema during the acute phase. 
During the acute phase, respiratory compromise from
ARDS is the most serious complications of toxic oil
syndrome. Patients with toxic oil syndrome are also at
increased risk of cardiovascular disease that may manifest
several years after exposure. Echocardiography,
cholesterol screening, and weight management are effective
tools for the screening and detection of cardiovascular
sequelae in patients with toxic oil syndrome. 
Long - term neuromuscular and articular complaints are
prominent, and abnormalities are treated symptomatically.
 Patients should be monitored for the prominent
risk factors most closely associated with early mortality:
female < 40 years old, liver disease, pulmonary hypertension,
frequent pulmonary infections, motor neuropathy,
and eosinophilia. 


The fi rst known case of yusho (rice oil disease) involved
a 3 - year - old girl in northern Kyushu, Japan, who had an
acute onset of an acneiform rash (chloracne) in June,
1968. Her family members, followed by other familial
clusters, presented to a single clinic with complaints of
acneiform rash, hyperpigmentation, and eye discharge
over the next 2 months. By January 1969, 325 cases were
reported. After a small minority of patients initially
identifi ed rice oil as the causative agent of yusho, Kyushu
University convened the Study Group for Yusho to
investigate yusho; about 2,000 affl icted patients were
subsequently identifi ed. The clinical features of yusho
included fatigue, headache, cough, abdominal pain,
peripheral numbness, hepatomegaly, irregular menstrual
cycles, nail deformities, and hypersecretion of sebaceous
glands. A fi eld survey of canned rice oil associated the
disease with the use of “ K Rice Oil ” produced or shipped
by the K Company on February 5 – 6, 1968. The
yu - cheng epidemic involved over 2,000 individuals in
Taiwan in 1979, when an accidental leakage of thermal
exchange fl uid resulted in the contamination of rice -
bran oil with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dibenzofurans
(PCDFs), and quaterphenyls (PCQs). 8 The
clinical features of yu - cheng and yusho were similar.

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polychlorinated
dibenzofurans (PCDFs) are thermal heat exchanger
compounds used in food processing machinery. Leakage
of these compounds into rice oils during manufacturing
led to the yusho and yu - cheng outbreaks.
Epidemiological studies revealed that 95.7% ( p < 0.01)
of surveyed patients recalled consumption of rice oil
from K Company in Western Japan. A case - control
study revealed rice oil as the only associated etiologic
factor, and a cohort study demonstrated a 64% risk of
yusho in K rice oil consumers compared with no risk for
nonexposed individuals. Food engineers confi rmed the
leakage of dielectric thermal exchange fl uid (Kanechlor
400) containing PCBs into the rice oil. This contaminant
contained PCB compounds, primarily tetra - chlorinated
biphenyls. In 1969, the Study Group initially concluded
that PCBs caused yusho. However, a lack of similar
symptoms (besides chloracne) in PCB workers who had
signifi cantly higher tissue burdens (mean blood PCB
level: 45 ppb) contradicted this conclusion. Furthermore,
the dermatological lesions could not be reproduced in
animals following the oral administration of PCB compounds
or by Kanechlor 400, and the severity of the
clinical features of yusho did not correlate to serum
concentrations of PCB compounds. Therefore, other
compounds (e.g., polychlorinated dibenzofurans) in the
adulterated rice oil probably contributed to the development
of yusho.
Yu - cheng
As with the yusho incident, the suspected causative
agents of yu - cheng were PCDFs rather than PCBs.
Contamination of the cooking oil occurred when PCBs
used for the indirect heating of rice - bran oil leaked
into the cooking oil. Repeated heating of the partially
degraded PCBs produced PCDFs, as well as polychlorinated
terphenyl and polychlorinated quaterphenyl

Food Processing
High temperatures ( > 200 ° C) in dielectric thermal
exchange fl uid during the deodorization step of oil refi ning
contributed to the development of yusho and yu -
cheng by degrading PCBs in the contaminated rice
oil to PCDFs, PCDDs (polychlorinated dibenzo dioxins),
and PCQs (polychlorinated quaterphenyls). 14

Exposure to toxic contaminants in the rice oil from the
yusho and yu - cheng epidemics was assessed by recording
the lot numbers of purchased oil containers and
comparison of the volume of oil purchased to the volume
of oil remaining in the containers retrieved from affected
households. Consumption of the contaminated rice oil
by household members was estimated by proportional
distribution to each family member. Positive relationships
were observed between estimated individual oil
consumption and incidences of yusho and yu - cheng.
The mean concentrations of PCBs, polychlorinated quaterphenyls
(PCQs), and PCDFs in fi ve samples of contaminated
cooking oil from the yu - cheng outbreak were
62 ppm, 20 ppm, and 0.14 ppm, respectively. The congeners
of these compounds were similar in the cookingoils
from these two outbreaks, but ye - cheng cooking oil
samples contained about 10% of the concentrations of
these compounds found in cooking oil from the yusho
incident along with three to four times lower PCQs/
PCBs and PCDFs/PCBs ratios.
A cross - sectional study of 79 patients with documented
yusho demonstrated a dose - response relationship
between estimated consumption of contaminated
rice oil and the symptoms of extremity numbness, coughing,
expectoration, and the sensation of “ elevated
teeth. ” These symptoms were evaluated by self - administered
questionnaires. Symptoms failing to demonstrate
a dose - response relationship to the estimated ingestion
of contaminated rice oil included fatigue, eye discharge,
fever, headache, dizziness, abdominal pain, swollen
joints, menstrual irregularities, and alopecia. The estimated
mean total intake of PCBs and PCDFs by yusho
patients was about 633 mg and 3.4 mg, respectively,
compared with 973 mg and 3.84 mg, respectively, for yu -
cheng patients.

Animal studies confi rm a strong association between
high concentrations of PCBs (i.e., at least 60% chlorination)
in diets and the incidence of hepatic carcinomas.
However, no human studies have confi rmed an association
between PCB exposure and cancer. Therefore,
PCBs are listed as probable human carcinogens by the
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
and the US Environmental Protection Agency

Clinical features of this illness included fatigue, headache,
cough, abdominal pain, peripheral numbness, hepatomegaly,
irregular menstrual cycles, nail deformities,
and sebaceous gland hypersecretion. The most common
symptoms were eye discharge, hyperpigmentation (skin,
mucous membranes, nails), acneform lesions, and weakness.
Although the severity of these symptoms has
decreased since the epidemic, follow - up studies of yusho
survivors indicated that these symptoms persisted at
least through 1993. The chloracne resolved relatively
rapidly in children, but hyperpigmentation and hypertrichosis
remained in some patients. Thirteen children
born to yusho - affected mothers exhibited gray - brown
skin discoloration at birth ( “ black babies, ” “ cola - colored
babies ” ), but the discoloration spontaneously disappeared
after several weeks. These babies exhibited no
other symptoms consistent with yusho.

Yu - cheng
The clinical features of yu - cheng and yusho are similar.
Clinical fi ndings include chloracne, hyperpigmentation,
edema, weakness, vomiting, diarrhea, and hepatomegaly.
The acneform eruptions were open comedones, papules,
and pustules with dark heads distributed on the axilla,
extremities, and external genitalia.  Abnormalities
in children of yu - cheng patients included low birth
weights,  prematurity, neurobehavioral changes such as
delayed autonomic maturity, normal menarche with
shortened menstrual cycles, abnormal refl exes, dysfunctions
in visual recognition memory,and decreased
intelligence scores. A 24 - year follow - up study of yu -
cheng victims demonstrated increased mortality from
chronic liver disease and cirrhosis in men, but not in
women. There was an increased incidence of systemic
lupus erythematosus in exposed women in the later
years. The mortality rates for cancers were similar
between the exposed group and the background

Analytical Methods
Gel permeation chromatography and high resolution
gas chromatography/high resolution mass spectrometry
detect and differentiate PCBs and PCDFs in oil samples
and in human samples. Methods that utilize high
performance liquid chromatography/mass spectroscopy
(HPLC/MS) or high performance liquid chromatography/
tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC/MS/MS) reliably
detect the di - oleyl - phenyl amino propanediol ester
(OOPAP) and other acylated phenyl amino propanediol
derivatives (PAPs) in cooking oils. 31 Methods to
detect OOPAP in humans are not available.

Rice oil from the yu - cheng epidemic contained approximately
3,000 ppm total PCBs. The mean blood concentration
of PCBs in patients with chloracne and
hyperpigmentation was in the range of approximately
5 ppb. There was a linear correlation between the severity
of skin lesions and the total PCB concentrations in
blood samples. Studies of human and animal subjects
indicate that PCB concentrations in the range of 10 –
25 ppm cause similar skin abnormalities. Analysis of
PCBs, PCDFs, and PCQs in contaminated rice - oil
samples collected from factory cafeterias, school cafeterias,
and the families of patients with yu - cheng ranged
from 53 – 99 ppm, 0.18 – 0.40 ppm, and 25 – 53 ppm,
Although the specifi c compound associated with
yusho or yu - cheng remains unknown, PCDDs are more
appropriate biological biomarkers for the severity of
yusho and yu - cheng than other polychlorinated hydrocarbons
because the presence of PCDDs in blood
samples indicates exposure to these compounds or
parent compounds as PCDDs do not occur in nature.
These compounds persist in the blood for years.  Clearance
of PCDFs and PCBs in humans is nonlinear with
faster elimination rates at higher concentrations. In
blood samples from 3 yu - cheng patients, the whole
blood elimination half - life of two persistent toxic
congeners, 2,3,4,7,8 - pentachlorodibenzofuran (PnCDF)
and 1,2,3,4,7,8 - hexachlorodibenzofuran (HxCDF) was
approximately 2 1
2 years.  The calculated blood elimination
half - lives of the same PCDF congeners in yusho
patients were more variable with median values near 10
years. In a follow - up study of 359 patients with yusho,
the serum concentrations of PnCDF and PCBs remained
signifi cantly elevated over 35 years after the incident.
The mean blood concentration of PnCDF in exposed
patients was 177.50 pg/g lipids compared with 15.2 ±
8.9 pg/g lipids in the blood of healthy controls. The blood
PnCDF concentration in these patients correlated to
some clinical symptoms of yusho including acneform
eruption, comedones, oral pigmentation, constipation,
numbness in the extremities, and body weight loss.
Follow - up studies indicate that the blood elimination
half - lives are shorter (i.e., about 1 – 5 years) for PCB
congeners than PCDF congeners. Follow - up studies of
blood samples from yusho patients 34 years after the
incident indicate that PCDFs contribute about 65% of
the remaining total toxic equivalents of dioxins (non -
ortho PCBs, mono - ortho - PCBs, PCDDs, PCDFs). 37 In
particular, the mean concentration of some PCDF congeners
were substantially higher than controls including
1,2,3,6,7,8 - HxCDF (3.9 times), 1,2,3,4,7,8 - HxCDF (12
times), and PnCDF (11.3 times). The blood samples
from 165 yu - cheng patients collected 9 – 18 months after
the onset of poisoning contained 10 – 720 ppb PCBs with
a mean value of 38 ppb.
Yusho and yu - cheng patients occasionally had mild
elevation of serum hepatic aminotransferase concentrations,
but results of most laboratory studies were within
normal ranges. 38 Hepatorenal function is usually
The treatment for yusho and yu - cheng is supportive.
Dermatologic changes may persist for several months,
and topical or systemic medications typically do not
alter the time - course of these lesions. Yusho and yu -
cheng patients require long - term follow - up for the
development of liver dysfunction and malignancy.